FYO Bottle Day.. and we’re featured in a podcast!
Yes, it's that time again. Another FYO day!
On Sunday morning, the 18th of August, come along and fill your own bottles with some of our 2023 Sangiovese. For those who are new to this, here are some of the details:
When: Sunday morning, August 18, from 9.30-1, or until the wine runs out.
What: some of our 2023 Sangiovese
Cost: $16/bottle (minimum 6)
Extras: we have new bottles for $2 and corks for 50 cents if you need them. Corks can be put into bottles with screwcap closures- so don't worry about that.
Any specific questions about any of this, just email me.
As an extra extra, Matthew is returning with his large pan of paella. This was hugely popular last time. So come along and sample some of this. It really is extraordinarily delicious. And we are very fortunate to have him do this for us!
1- Over the years, people sometimes have given us things to do with herons. One of the very first was after Mary had hosted a wine group from Hamilton- back in the mid-90's. A month after she had done this, she received in the post a package from one of the Hamilton group. In it was a silver brooch in the shape of a heron. This person was a jeweller by trade and wanted to thank her for her enthusiasm. This brooch became the prototype for the pewter herons we now use on our reserve wines.
Well, a few days ago, we received in the mail a small box with no return address. In this box was a small carved wooden heron- standing on a base. Absolutely beautiful. But there was no note, so we have no idea who sent it. If someone is out there who knows something about this, please let us know. But it will go on our shelf in our tasting room.
2- Over our past 37 years being here, we have hosted a handful of media activities, including a BBC reality tv show called Wanted Down Under, two Chinese culinary tv programmes, a Japanese tv show, a TV One reality show about the trials of running a small business called Trouble Shooters, and been interviewed on radio programmes like Country Calendar.
Last summer, I was asked to be interviewed on a podcast series called The Bountifull Life. My family have watched it and told me that I should share it with all of you. So here it is:
3- Rachele and I are working through the pruning. We've finished all the cuts and half of the vines have been stripped. Then we start the tying down. Our aim is to complete this by mid-September at the latest. The weather, of course, doesn't help. Running in and out of the rain doesn't help my mood!
However, after 3 months of brining our olives, our inside job includes bottling them. These will be ready by the FYO day. The oil from these is already available.
Our Tasting Room is open daily from 11-5. Although being the depth of winter, we are not very busy. My son, Luke, recently travelled home from Corfu via Vancouver to specifically visit an urban winery which handles food the same way we do- with a small deli from which visitors create their own platters. He took lots of pictures and we are both remarkably similar. People just have to get used to this way of foraging.
What was even more interesting about this Vancouver winery was that they make all their wine entirely in Georgian amphorae, called Qvevri. Now that's something!
Anyway- hope to see lots of you at the next FYO....
All the best,